rem is white with brown hair, smiling, wearing a brown suede jacket and in front of shelves of old looking books

Rem Wigmore is a speculative fiction writer based in Wellington, New Zealand, and author of the queer solarpunk novel Foxhunt and upcoming sequel Wolfpack. Their previous works include the 2020 novella Riverwitch and their first novel The Wind City (2013). Their short fiction appears in several places including the Capricious Gender Diverse Pronouns IssueBaffling Magazine, and the second Year’s Best Aotearoa New Zealand Science Fiction & Fantasy anthology. Rem’s probably a changeling, but you’re stuck with them now. The coffee here is just too good.

cover of Foxhunt has a brown skinned person in a long green cloak, detail of a solarpunk plant filled city, and a whitespace fox.
cover of Wolfpack has a brown skinned person in a long red cloak holding a fox mask, a white skinned person in a loose shirt, detail of a solarpunk plant filled city, and a whitespace wolf.
cover of Riverwitch has bowl of crystals under water.
cover of The Wind City depicts Wellington in green tones